Hi Everyone! Quite obviously, I have a new blog theme!  I have made a few tweaks to the original theme. I had to change the blogtitle...

New Theme

Hi Everyone!

Quite obviously, I have a new blog theme!  I have made a few tweaks to the original theme. I had to change the blogtitle's font and as well as with the sidebar's . The scrollbar's new and I have installed a tagboard on my the sidebar ^_^ . I have still  loads of things to do with the layout. So far, I am loooooooooooooving my new layout. ^_^ It's pretty unusual that I'm feeling  extra happy today which used to be a rarity for my very pessimist/realist self .

Out of the blue, I just want to share my to do list today.  Haha.

  • Finish the Shannara Book I'm reading. I have still have piles of books waiting to be read.
  • Watch Cloud Atlas and Arrow Series
  • Work on my blog layout.
  • Sleep. Siesta Time.
  • Cook our Mirienda. Breadroll. 

I can't wait for June to come. Hmmm. I am very excited  and nervous at the same time for my first job as a Certified Public Accountant ...


I can't wait for June to come. Hmmm. I am very excited  and nervous at the same time for my first job as a Certified Public Accountant :) . Weeeee. It means that I am one step away from my dream of buying my own house :) haha. Haha. My so unplanned flight to Manila last month really paid off though I do not feel like I did particularly well in one of the interviews I attended to. I was a total nervous wreck. Still, Alhamdullilah I got accepted. I thank God the second after the head of the Human Recource Dep shook my hands and said "Congratulations in advance" .

So here are some snaphots of my almost one month stay in Manila.

On my second day, we found our way to an old house few blocks away from where I stayed. Shooting for "Paraiso". Saw Mateo and Jessy up close. Jessy's so pretty that my confidence level had to drop from 10 to 0.

Jana and I ate chicken barbecue from a Japanese Chicken Grill at MOA, the name escapes my memory.

My extremely creepy feet after a whole day walk  at the Metro.

Milk Tea Date with my friend Ruffa. One of the many things we have in common is that we love milk tea than our own self haha

Solo flight. Sometimes, I love to go out alone without my friend's company. 

Yah. it's me "vain" with the fake smile

Law books I had to buy while I'm in Manila.

Crying over a movie I'm watching. Credits to Jana for the candid shot.

Time for treats. Thanks Lenny for treating us in this very expensive resto. 

From 3:30 until sunset, I love to spend my time sitting watching the sun rays from the windowpane. So relaxing.

I'm on a very strict diet. 100lbs .way to go! Gained a lot of weight during my review which I'm finding hard to shed off.

Lasagna and Pandan Shake :)

Inasal :) Alone again.

Books penned by Terry Brooks.

Eating Again.

Obviuosly, I'm a Terry Brooks fan :)

Pizza and milk tea with Ruffa

Just Chillin on a hot sunny day at Casa.

My best shot :) Woke up to this. Can't resist to grab my phone and take a good shot.