Hi Everyone! Quite obviously, I have a new blog theme!  I have made a few tweaks to the original theme. I had to change the blogtitle...

New Theme

Hi Everyone!

Quite obviously, I have a new blog theme!  I have made a few tweaks to the original theme. I had to change the blogtitle's font and as well as with the sidebar's . The scrollbar's new and I have installed a tagboard on my the sidebar ^_^ . I have still  loads of things to do with the layout. So far, I am loooooooooooooving my new layout. ^_^ It's pretty unusual that I'm feeling  extra happy today which used to be a rarity for my very pessimist/realist self .

Out of the blue, I just want to share my to do list today.  Haha.

  • Finish the Shannara Book I'm reading. I have still have piles of books waiting to be read.
  • Watch Cloud Atlas and Arrow Series
  • Work on my blog layout.
  • Sleep. Siesta Time.
  • Cook our Mirienda. Breadroll.